Video – Making it Manifold

So did anyone notice in my last video that I was reading from a script? Obviously not doing that this time. It took all day (literally) to craft that script the way I wanted it. It’s almost more time consuming than editing. But I think the result was good. What did you think? Was the last video markedly better than …

Lithophane project video

This week’s video I wanted to show off a new technique I found for making lithophane’s in Blender that’s so easy I will never do it any other way again. I used to do them a different way in the past, but this is so much better. And versatile. I have so many project ideas that I’m going to do …

Modeling for 3D Printing tip 5 – Dividing a model

Hardest part of this video was settling on a name. Am I separating a mesh? No, that’s what I did last time. And I slicing a model? No, that’s what you do to prep it for printing. Cutting? Maybe. Dividing? maybe. I’ll just pick one. Inka binka bottle a ink… This video calls back to the modeling exactness techniques talked …

Modeling for 3D Printing Tip 4 – Separating a Multi Part-Mesh

Recorded this one last week so I’m a little behind on thanking people, and I’m afraid I’m going to be even further behind before I catch up. But thank you to everyone who is watching these videos. You’re my inspiration. What happens when you download a STL that’s actually many pieces, and you only want one or two of them? …

3D Printing Tip Video – Hairspray and glass

Hairspray and glass is the best build surface I’ve used…. if you do it right. Today’s video is how to do it right. I’m still trying to overcome some technical limitations that are messing up this video. For one, the aspect ratio. For another, this video was, unbenownst to me, saved uncompressed. 15 gig for a 5 minute video. Unacceptable. …

Modeling for 3D Printing Tip 3 – CAD-like exactness Part 2

And to finish what I started with the example of an SD Card holder ring, which relies on exactly matching the size of a real life object, an SD card, and the size of your finger. And a special thanks to my new subscribers. I know I keep apologizing for this, but these one-take slap-dash crappy quality videos are really …

Modeling for 3D Printing Tip 3 – CAD-like exactness Part 1

Tip #3 is up, this time talking about the tricks and tools to make Blender create models with exact dimensions. My recording ran a little long so I cut it into two parts. In this part I respond to a comment on the last video. I go over Blender’s settings to make learning it easier. Then I introduce the the Properties …

3D Printer Buying Guide Video

User Metnor asked “What type of printer du you have?And what do you recommend for starters that want to test it out?” In this video I answer those questions. Hopefully somebody is watching these videos and that they’re of use to some people. If you like them please like, share, and subscribe.

Modeling for 3D Printing Tip Video 1 – YHT

I’m putting together a series of videos partially in service of my book, partially in support of the 3D printing today segments I’ve done, and partially just because I wanted to. I was told these videos would be good for me, so let’s see where these take me. Here is my previous (text) post on this sort of thing: …

3D printing without a 3D printer on a budget

Want to get something 3D printed but don’t have a 3D printer? Have an idea you’d like to see made real? Seen something 3D printed and just got to have it? If you go to services like shapeways or sculpto you might have gotten a serious sticker shock. But don’t give up, there is an alternative. Recent adventures (featuring Rodney …