Modeling Useful Organizers in Blender and using PrintABlok to make connecting organizers Video

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I still hear a lot that “Blender isn’t CAD”. Well, hopefully this video can be another nail in that particular coffin.

I admittedly have worked quite a bit more on my PrintABlok desktop organizers, as can be seen in the thumbnail. But there are still a number of ones I want to finish before releasing. But that may have to be after Cthulhu and Friends. I’m working hard right now to promote the kickstarter, putting some of the test prints I’ve made into little sample packets with QR Codes to the kickstarter and if you’re at WonderCon or LA Maker fair or RMRRF, I’ll be handing these out to everyone I can. I’m thinking about about turnover rates and whether this will be successful. And while that pile looks impressive, it’s only about 200 samples. I’d need a pretty high percentage of those to turn into buyers for this kickstarter to have the sort of success I’m hoping it’ll have. Gorilla marketing. Wish me luck.