Can you sell 3D prints video

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Not much to say about this video. It pretty much speaks for itself and I don’t have anything to add. So let me tell you about a few of the side projects I’ve been working on. To call things lately “crazy” wouldn’t do justice to the life I’m living right now. I’ve got at least 4 simultaneous projects running right now. They are:

  • Project 1: Evaluating the QiDi iMateS. So far, this is one of the most promising 3D printers I’ve reviewed.
  • Project 2: Evaluating the JGMaker Artist D pro. Yes, I’m evaluating 2 3D printers at the same time. I really want to clean out my reviewing queue, and so I’m not waiting until I’m done with one to start the other. And it’s… okay.
  • Project 3: Turning the Easy ThreeD K7 into an arm mounted portable 3D printer. I had this idea with the Baby Belt, but since that doesn’t work (yet) I decided to first test if it’s even possible to go wireless with a 3D printer, and the K7 provided the perfect guinea pig. I was researching what it would take to make a 12V UPS myself, and then I thought “Is there an off-the-shelf solution s0meone else already came up with. And lo and behold there was! I charged it up, hooked it up to the K7, started a print, unplugged it, and took it to work with me, and it printed the whole way in the car, and kept printing for 5 hours without needing to be plugged in. So now I’m using the Artist D and the Weedo X40 to print an arm bracer to mount it on.
  • Project 4: PrintABlok:SkyForce

Oh, maybe I should have led off with that one.

Yes, I’ve returned to work on PrintABlok, planning on a new expansions that will take PrintABlok to new heights. As I’ve been working on these sets, I’ve decided to experiment with making them a lot more detailed, in some cases adding details that is pushing the limits of what FFF can produce. Greebles galore.

More on this coming soon.

Once again, this video was supposed to be an easy one. One take presentation. And yet it took me 3 weeks to finally be able to record a good version of this it. I deleted 3 previous attempts, mostly due to sound issues.

This video was interesting because I created a PowerPoint to go over my screen. That meant in OBS I was keying out the background of my presentation (which I set to magenta), but that created a new problem. The magenta screen was lighting me up to a sickly pink. So I had to do this presentation with the screen that the presentation was playing on turned off. However, that screen wasn’t giving me any feedback anyways. Not a big deal, but it felt weird, you know?