$250 Mini 3D Printer! Weedo Tina 2 Monoprice Cadet review

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If you want to use this 3D printer with Cura version 4.5, all you have to do is:

  1. Add a new non-networked Custom FFF 3D printer
  2. X: 100, Y:105, Z: 105, No heated bed or Volume.
  3. Change the Start G-Code to:
    ;(**** start.gcode for WEEDO TINA2****)
    M104 S150
    G28 X Y; Home extruder
    G92 X100 Y0
    G1 X55 Y55 F1000
    G28 Z
    G92 Z100
    G1 Z10 F200
    G1 Z15 F100
    M107 ; Turn off fan
    G90 ; Absolute positioning
    M82 ; Extruder in absolute mode
    M109 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0}
    G92 E0 ; Reset extruder position
    G1 X90 Y1 Z0.27 F2000
    G1 X20 Y1 Z0.27 E15 F1000
    G92 E0 ; Reset extruder position
  4. Change the End G-Code to:
    ;(**** end.gcode for WEEDO TINA2****)
    M104 S0
    G92 E0 (Reset after prime)
    G0 E-1 F300
    G1 Z105 F300
    G28 X0 Y0
    G1 Y90 F1000
  5. In the Extruder tab change the Compatible material diameter to 1.75

I didn’t expect I’d have this much to say about a mini 3D printer, but dang if this isn’t a hot topic for me. With all my Monoprice Select Minis breaking down, I really want a new 3D printer that I can recommend to people in the <$300 price range. Part of me feels like holding of a recommendation just because a $250 3D printer can’t be hacked is petty. After all, you can’t hack the firmware of the Monoprice Select Mini can’t be hacked, and I never had a problem with it. But the Monoprice Select Mini didn’t promise hackability by using open source firmware, and then yank it away.  That’s not just disappointing, that’s just plain wrong. I called it petty, but is supporting the Open Source (Shout Outs to Naomi Wu) really petty? Morally it’s the right choice here. And also for the consumer it will make the printer better. In other words there is literally no reason not to.

So do it, Weedo!

I would describe my general opinion of this video as “displeased”. It’s long, I had to use the secondary audio, and I lost the footage from my computer screen when I was connecting to the printer and using the app, so this video may not be all it could be. It makes me want to change my video making process and get better. So I’ve ordered some new bits that Amazon says will arrive at the end of the month. It may take a while, but I promise my videos will get better.