Makerspace intro and behind the scenes video

Let’s start with the positive, shall we? That maker space intro video turned out great. exactly what I had in mind. A perfect way to launch the new channel. The only thing I forgot to say was “Make something of yourself” which is kind of my tie in with new years resolutions, and stuff. But otherwise a great video, in my humble opinion.

The new YouTube channel is for the maker space, which means there will be videos there about how to setup and use the machines, how to make designs for 3D printing, and other tutorial related stuff. In other words, if that’s your jam, if that’s the sort of videos you want to see on this channel, then subscribe there and ring that bell so you get notified of uploads there. I don’t often make that request, but this channel will be the good stuff. No fluff. No filler. No click-bait. Just educational material. And the occasional announcement or report about local events.

The behind the scenes video, on the other hand… sometimes, you know, you’re doing well just to get something together and out the door. Such is the case with that behind the scenes video. Camera, shakey. Script, non-existant. Thumbnail image? A screen cap from the video because I didn’t have the presence of mind to get a better one.

I started recording the behind the scenes video without even a rough outline in my mind of what I wanted to say. I just knew I needed to drive traffic to the new channel or no one would ever see that video. But I thought of a lot of things I wanted to say after the fact. I guess that’s what these posts are for. I’ve already mentioned subscribing to the new channel and ringing the bell to be notified when it updates. Cannot stress that enough.

The maker space grand opening is on January 6th. If you’re anywhere in the area, or just passing through after that, consider stopping by, but check the website or call for hours before doing so. Right now it’s a part-time gig, so we can’t be open all the time.

By the way, tried that Pulfrich effect on the intro video and it totally works. Kinda blows my mind.