Chessbot on Popular Mechanics

A little bit ago I got an e-mail from a writer for Popular Mechanics who wanted to…. Hold on a second. That Popular Mechanics? Yes, that Popular Mechanics. And they want to feature my Chessbot in an article.

Oh. Okay. Hold on a second while I breath into this paper bag.

The article is online only, and my set is but one of 9 sets in a slide show. But still, Popular Mechanics featured my Chessbot! On an article on the front page! My heart is beating out of my chest right now.

Thank you Laura Kiniry for taking notice of me and featuring my work. It… I don’t even know how to categorize what this is. Thank you.

I know someone’s thinking “Why aren’t you selling them? Are you stupid?” Well, maybe a little. But the problem is I’ve been too busy with the TARDIS ring sales. 3D printing is more than just “push button, get stuff.” It’s a much slower process than you think when you first hear about it. I have to balance making stuff for money with making stuff for me. I got overwhelmed at a critical time and I’m still trying to sort it out.

And honestly, there are worse problems I could have than having too many people trying to give me their money.